Thursday, December 13, 2012

Upcoming Practices

Hello Birds!
Fitness training – 730-830

Volunteer – Pitchers and catchers workout 830-9pm


Pitchers and Catchers only – 11am-1:30pm

Next week
Because of exams, we are still working out next week’s schedule. We are leaning towards fitness training and volunteer pitching and catching. No skills training during the week. We’ll see what Saturday looks like once we get further into the week.

Christmas Week
We are planning on continuing workouts during the week. Times may change and we may add a few pitching and catching sessions. Stay close to email.

Friday, December 7, 2012

NOTICE! Saturday Pratice change!

Hello Birds,

Okay, sorry for the last minute notice, but things this weekend are crazy and I was trying to hold out for the weather. However, it doesn’t look like the schedule (mine and the small gym) are going to match up this Saturday and it appears it’s never going to stop raining, so the outside option isn’t going to work this weekend.

So here’s our plan for tomorrow (Saturday, Dec 8th). We would like all pitchers and catchers to report to the small gym from 11am – 12:30. We would like anyone that has pitched or caught in the past or anyone that has ANY desire to do so. Milt will be working with the girls to get their reps in and training some of the younger ones. We desperately need depth in pitching and catching. If you are interested, get there and give it a try. If you are someone that has an interest in exploring pitching to a greater degree, I would recommend taking private lessons on the side. We can assist with finding trainers. But Milt has enough knowledge to assist our current pitchers with their reps and training the younger pitchers the fundamentals they can build on. Pitching can go a long way for girls that can throw strikes and build velocity as they get older.

To recap:

Pitchers and catchers report to the small gym from 11-12:30 tomorrow!

All other players, take the day off! You’re welcome, but don’t get used to it!


6-7 – fitness training

6:45 – 8 – Skills training.

Just another note…the girls have been working their tails off at practice. Between the fitness and skills, they have exceeded my expectations so far. All the coaches have been impressed with their dedication and focus. We are getting 20-25 girls there consistently! Last night we were practicing outside in the cold and rain and I didn’t hear one negative comment from any of them. They might have said it, but I sure didn’t hear it!! It will pay off. I bet there weren’t many teams in the state practicing outside last night! You should be proud of all of them. I want to thank the coaches too. Yes, we have some that get paid, but we also have two very dedicated assistant coaches. They deserve a ton of credit as well!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Message from the Softball Parents Association:

"We have scheduled our first meeting of the Softball Parents Association (SPA) for December 4th at 7:00 PM in the Café at the High School"

The program and the girls really appreciate the support of the parents and this association. The group has already done a ton to help out the program and have many great ideas to keep up the support. If you can find the time, please support this group. All the benefits go back to your kids!!! We are looking to take this softball program to another level and that really starts with the families that are involved. We can’t do it without your support!